Answered by a Peer Team Member
1-855-459-7337 (PEER)
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What We Do
The Local 2928/Palm Beach County Fire Rescue Peer Support Team was created to provide a listening ear for employees, retirees, and their families. The Peer Support Team acts as a bridge to resources that can assist members in dealing with the stresses of life and the job.
Who We Are
Together, Local 2928 and Palm Beach County Fire Rescue have created a Peer Support Team for the members of Local 2928 and the employees of Palm Beach County Fire Rescue.
Who We Represent
We represent the employees, retirees, and their families of six fire departments in Palm Beach County, FL.
Steve Newell
I was hired in 1998 by Palm Beach County Fire Rescue. My first 10 years were spent in Battalion 4, mainly at Station 47, followed by 8 years at Station 17. Then, for over 9 years, I was at Station 16 A shift as a Driver. Through the years, the kitchen table and my crew have been very powerful in dealing with tough calls and life's inevitable events, both good and bad. I am a divorced single father to three adopted children. Several difficult situations led me to become involved in the Peer Team. In late July 2024, I accepted a day position as Peer Team Coordinator.
Fred Manriquez
Captain Fred Manriquez has been employed with PBCFR since 2005. Fred currently works at headquarters as PBCFR's Health and Safety/CQI Officer. While in the field, Captain Manriquez worked primarily at Station 23 for 13 years. Prior to Fire Rescue, Fred received his B.A. in Psychology/Education and worked as a behavior specialist and crisis intervention teacher in Hawaii, NY, and Florida for seven years. Since its inception, Fred has been part of the peer support team and is married with three children.
Jill Anderson
I have been with PBCFR for 32 years as a Dispatcher/ Supervisor and 5 years with Peer Support/ CISM. I have dedicated my whole career to helping others and found passion in doing so. Being part of PBCFR Peer Support team is another way I can extend my reach of helping others. I genuinely care about PBCFR and everyone within the department that makes it so special.
Kim Yost
I have been in the Emergency Services career for about 28 years as a Dispatcher, of which almost 14 years with PBCFR and 16 years being a part of Peer Support/CISM. I am very excited that PBCFR has started Peer Support because I not only consider you as a peer but family. As a dispatcher, my job was to make sure you were safe, and that you are alright as I do for my family. Being a part of Peer Support is an honor. I am here for you my brothers and sisters!
Yoli Rivera
Yolanda "Yoli" Rivera has been with Palm Beach County Fire Rescue since 2019 and currently works as a Dispatcher on days (B-shift). She holds a B.A. in Psychology and has always had a strong passion for mental health. Her experience as a dispatcher has allowed her the opportunity to recognize a need for continued growth of PEER support for both field units and fellow dispatchers. Yoli is honored to be part of the Peer Support team and is striving to help support her brothers and sisters during times of need.
David DeRita
David DeRita has been in the fire service 37 years, stating as a volunteer firefighter in 1986 and becoming a professional firefighter in 1992. Starting as a tailboard firefighter and retiring from PBG Fire-Rescue in 2019 as Deputy Chief. He had 22 years as the lead fire investigator for PBG. Staying retired 9 days then starting a second career with Palm Beach County Fire Rescue as Fire Marshal. He has spent the last 5 years training as a certified Therapy Canine Handler and works with K9 Hank. Hank is an English Labrador Retriever who is certified by both Brevard County Sheriff's and Palm Beach County Sheriff's Offices as a Law Enforcement Investigative Therapy Canine. Hank also holds numerous AKC certifications. Dave is passionate about his K9 partnership and continually works with Community Education and children on the Autism spectrum. This partnership with K9 Hank and a fulfilling career in the Fire Service led to an interest in the Peer Support Team.
Sean Fine
I started my journey into the EMS service in 1989. I went to Broward Community College for EMT and got hired 6 months after graduation with Medics Ambulance Service. I then attended Broward Community College once again for Paramedic while working as an EMT. Broward County EMS then went fire rescue and I started Broward Fire Academy. After 4 years at Medics I then transferred to Atlantic Ambulance ( currently AMR) and worked as the primary 911 response unit before winning the lottery by being hired at Palm Beach County Fire Rescue in 1999 class 29. I worked my first 3 years at station 45 before spending 1 year at 43, then off to 34 ( prior to special ops ) for 3 years and finally finding my home at station 29 for the past 15 years. I have taught EMT, Paramedic, CPR, and had many second Job's outside Fire Rescue including fixed wing air ambulance for 16 years as well as Palm's West Hospital for 8 years. I also have had the pleasure of 2 years at Trauma Hawk as a Reserve Paramedic.
Joe Escuage
Joseph Escuage has been working for Pbcfr for 15 years and is currently a Captain at station 38 on B shift. Joseph was born and raised in South Florida and is a second generation firefighter. Joseph grew up around the fire service as well as the church where he has had experience mentoring youth. Joseph is recently married and has two dogs. Joseph's goal is to help his brothers and sister through difficult situations and/or steer them in the right direction to get the help they may need.
Shane Armstrong
I am a Captain at station 25 C shift. I have been trained in Peer-Support, Chaplaincy, Bachelor degree in Christian counseling/psychology, and many other areas of behavioral health with trauma. I personally have been affected with being in a bad dark place. By the grace of God I have been changed and want to be an ear to help.
Raul Leon
LT with 7 years with PBCFR. Proud Husband and father of 2 amazing toddlers. 12 years in the army with multiple deployments. My time in the service has created a passion for brotherhood and am grateful working with those like minded on a daily basis. I'm privileged and humbled to be part of the PEER team. I've spent my short career assigned to Bat 7,10,9 and currently work at 47. I've been part of the PEER team since 2018.
Duane Hodges
22 years of service. I have spent most of my career in battalions two and three. Stations 23, 35 and 29. I presently work on A shift as the Captain on TR29. I have been involved with the Peer program for five years.
Jason Cohen
Jason Cohen has been a Firefighter with Palm Beach County Fire-Rescue for 23 years. He's been a member of the Palm Beach County CISM team for six years and has been a member of the Palm Beach County Fire-Rescue PEER Team since its beginning. Jason came up the ranks starting as a Firefighter-Paramedic, promoting to Driver Operator and now Captain on Truck 29 B Shift. He's been married for 28 years and is father to three young men ages 20, 22, and 27. Like all emergency responders, Jason has been on many emergency calls and knows firsthand the types of stress we can be exposed to. He would like to give back by being available to our Brothers and Sisters in need of PEER Support or to help guide or provide information on how to seek and receive further assistance from the mental health community.
Lane Holtzman
Lane Holtzman has been with PBCFR for 17 years, currently at Station 22 as a Firefighter/Paramedic. He has experienced several of life's darker trials and tribulations and witnessed the value of personal support during those times. His long-standing desire to help others naturally led him to join the PEER Support group so he may assist his brother and sisters. Lane has been married for over 10 years and has two sons.
Lisa Azzaro
Lisa Azzaro has been with the county coming up on 18 years. She has spent time out in the field, mostly Battalion 4, ARFF station 81 and currently at Trauma Hawk for the past 4 years. Like every one of her brothers and sisters, we have all endured the good and bad of this job. But the comradery and friendships built make these hard and great times worth it. Being able to talk things out with her own partner brought her to the Peer Team.
Eric Feierabend
I am entering my 23rd year with Palm Beach County Fire Rescue. I was a FF/PM for the first 4 ½ years of my career. I spent most of that time in battalion 4 and 5. I was then promoted to driver and was a driver for 4 ½ - 5 years. I was promoted into station 23 for several months. I then became a floating driver and spent most of the time in battalion 4 and 5. I was then promoted to Captain in 2011. I initially went to station 37. From there I floated battalion 4 and 7. I then spent most of time in battalion 5 at station 56 and station 54. I spent approximately 9 years as a Captain. Most recently I was promoted to EMS Captain in February of 2020 and that is the position that I currently hold. I am the father of 3 boys from my first marriage. They are ages 27,24,23. I was married to their mother for 14 years and got divorced in 2009. I remarried in 2015 to my current wife and have been married for approximately 9 years. I have 2 step daughters and a step son from my current wife. When I went through my divorce in 2009 it was a very difficult time for me. Through the use of therapist and my faith I was able to make it through. After getting through my divorce I would find myself talking to a lot of people that were going through troubles in their married and home life. People would ask me how I got through. I would find myself talking to more and more people. I also have family members that have and are currently struggling with issues in their lives. If I can help one individual through a difficult situation and help them find hope then I feel that I will have accomplished what I set out to do. I will hopefully help many more than that. I am a Christian and a person of faith. In difficult times I rely on prayer and my faith.
Jen Johnson
Recently retired fire Captain. I spent almost 27 years in the fire service. Majority of my career was in batt 10 which provided both highs and lows for a career. I have experienced about any call you can think of. I have struggled with the trauma I was involved with on shift and how we can easily take it home. Trauma isn't just the calls we are involved with, it doesn't even have to be a negative, but it can weigh heavy. I have felt the effects of work and personal trauma and have developed coping skills that work for me. I think my life experiences would be a benefit to peer support.
Ricky Christmas
35 yrs with PBCFR. I'm in my 9th year of retirement. Pre consolidation Military Park FD (Stations 21,23,24). Batt2, TraumaHawk and Batt7 was where I spent my career. Involved with PEER/CISM since 1994.
Billy Schmidt
Billy is a retired District Chief with a career spanning over three decades in fire and emergency services. He began his journey as a firefighter EMT with the Trail Park Fire Control District 7 and then a member of Palm Beach County Fire Rescue after consolidation of the county fire districts. Over the course of 31 years with PBCFR, Billy held various roles, working his way through the ranks to District Chief. Notably, he played a pivotal role as a fire training instructor and was a founding member of the department's FACE Team (Firefighters Attacking the Cancer Epidemic). Today, retired from active service, Billy continues to be a member of the Palm Beach County Fire Rescue/Local 2928 Peer Support Team, offering his knowledge and experience to support the next generation of first responders and retirees. He is a John Maxwell Certified Coach, Trainer, and Speaker, and he has a master's degree in organizational leadership from Palm Beach Atlantic University. In retirement, he is spending more time with his family, helping people learn to grow as leaders, and giving back to the first responder community.
Page Last Updated: Nov 08, 2024 (19:50:39)